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The beloved and bestselling 365 BIBLE VERSES-A-YEAR Page-A-Day® Calendar is now an app! Start using it right away—December 2016 is included.
For over 30 years, the 365 BIBLE VERSES calendar has started every day off with a welcoming verse of wisdom, joy, and comfort. Cited chapter and verse from the King James Version of the Bible, each day brings enlightenment, inspiration, and the pure glory of God. Matthew proclaims that Christ has risen. Isaiah preaches redemption, and Psalm 51:10 offers supplication: "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."
Now with this calendar app you can start each day with your very own Page-A-Day bible verse notification, then share it with friends and family on Facebook, Instagram, and more! And you can:
- Experience 365 days of inspiring messages.
- Browse through the entire calendar by swiping
- Access any date with a few touches
- Share calendar pages with friends and family
- Save images to Photos and make them your wallpaper
- Shop for the companion Page-A-Day print calendar, and many others
- LIKE your favorite calendar pages.
An official Page-A-Day calendar licensed app.
PAGE-A-DAY and the PAGE-A-DAY design/logo are registered trademarks of Workman Publishing Co., Inc.